[Developers] Calculating attributes to a given pickset
Bert Bril
Bert.Bril at opendtect.org
Tue Jul 5 09:38:22 CEST 2005
Hi all,
Rogério wrote:
> I am trying to develop a plugin in which the user would specify the
> atribute set and OpendTect would calculate them to a given pickset. I
> am studying the AttribCalc Class Reference but it has been a hard and
> time consuming task. Could you give me some tips to speed up my
> comprehension?
Yes the attribute Engine is pretty complex and fuzzy at the moment.
That's why Hélène is currently finishing a total redesign of the
Attribute Engine. She hopes to be ready around the start of August.
In the mean time, Rogério's task is not really tied to e.g. the
AttribCalc clases. The AttribEngMan class is a front end to this kind of
stuff. In general, it should never be necessary to poke in the internals
of the Attribute Engine subsystem.
Moreover, I have already implemented what Rogério is trying to do; it's
available in the development branch or the CVS access. On the user side,
push the 'cross-plot' button in the Attribute Editor window. On the
programmer side, look into uiAttrib/uiattribcrossplot.h and .cc. The
uiAttribCrossPlot class uses the AttribPosVecOutputGen class to generate
output, then allows inspection and visualisation from the uiPosDataEdit
I hope this helps.
-- Bert Bril / OpendTect developer at dGB
-- Boulevard 1945 - 24, 7511 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
-- mailto:Bert.Bril at opendtect.org , http://www.opendtect.org
-- Tel: +31 534315155 , Fax: +31 534315104
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