[OpendTect_Developers] help with StepInterval and extracting log values in msec

Marcio Weck marcio.weck at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 00:13:33 CEST 2011

Dear all,

My question is about extrating Log values with time in msec.

I learned from Tutorial plugin how to extract well log values, but I need to
extract the step interval in time too. So, I looked for, how OpendTect
exports the Log data and I found that (quoted only the parts relative to
time values):

*uiExportLogs::writeLogs( StreamData& sdo )
        float md = intv.atIndex( idx );
    if ( zinft ) md *= mFromFeetFactor;
        else if ( inmsec ) z = wd.d2TModel()->getTime( md ) * 1000;

void uiExportLogs::setDefaultRange( bool zinft )
    StepInterval<float> dahintv;
    for ( int idx=0; idx<wd.logs().size(); idx++ )
        const Well::Log& log = wd.logs().getLog(idx);
        const int logsz = log.size();
        if ( !logsz ) continue;

        dahintv.setFrom( wd.logs().dahInterval() );
        const float width = log.dah(logsz-1) - log.dah(0);
        dahintv.step = width / (logsz-1);

    if ( zinft )
    dahintv.start *= mToFeetFactor;
    dahintv.stop *= mToFeetFactor;
    dahintv.step *= mToFeetFactor;

    zrangefld->setValue( dahintv );

and I did that:
for each well::data I create and configure a StepInterval<float> using the
same code from uiExportLogs::setDefaultRange( bool zinft ), and I tried to
follow the same principle from uiExportLogs::writeLogs(StreamData & sdo).
ps: FStepIntv is a StepInterval<float> and configured using "my
setDefaultRange(bool zinft)" some steps before.

*std::cout << "handling logs" << std:: endl;
const int nsteps = FStepIntv_->nrSteps();
bool zinft = SI().depthsInFeetByDefault();
            TypeSet<float> inplogtrc;
            TypeSet<float> logtime;

            float z =0.0, v =0.0;
            for ( int i=0 ; i < nsteps; i++ ){
                float md = FStepIntv_->atIndex( i );
                if ( zinft ) md *= mFromFeetFactor;
                z = wdlist_[wID]->d2TModel()->getTime( md );
                v = inplog_->getValue( md );
                if ( mIsUdf(v) ) continue;

                logtime.add( z*1000 ); // in msec
                inplogtrc.add( v );

// my setDefaultRange
void setDefaultRange( bool zinft )
    delete FStepIntv_; FStepIntv_ = 0;
    FStepIntv_ = new StepInterval<float>();
    Well::Data& wd = *wdlist_[wID];
    for ( int idx=0; idx<wd.logs().size(); idx++ )
        const Well::Log& log = wd.logs().getLog(idx);
        const int logsz = log.size();
        if ( !logsz ) continue;

        FStepIntv_->setFrom( wd.logs().dahInterval() );
        const float width = log.dah(logsz-1) - log.dah(0);
        FStepIntv_->step = width / (logsz-1);
    if ( zinft ) {
        FStepIntv_->start *= mToFeetFactor;
        FStepIntv_->stop *= mToFeetFactor;
        FStepIntv_->step *= mToFeetFactor;

For some wells, the time became -inf but for the most it works. Am I doing
this correctly? Is there another way to extract the log value with time in
msec? I'm using all the wells from F3 demo  to test.

Best Regards,

Márcio Weck
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