[OpendTect_Developers] Some suggestions

Williams Lima williams_al at gmx.com
Wed Jan 25 17:27:53 CET 2012

Hi folks,

 I just started to study plugin development in opendtect. It is relatively easy and I'm really enjoying that. OpendTect is a great tool.
 I have some comments/suggestions I hope can be in some way useful for all.

 These coments are with respect to the gui behaviour of the main window.

 1. On a left mouse down event over a final node (a 2d seismic section) under 2D seismic (in the scene tree) the top toolbar change in a bit confuse manner.
 If the section is already selected and you press the left button (not click just press down) the toolbar change and when you release the button the toolbar change again. If there is a selected
 section and you press over another section the toolbar change for another configuration of buttons and goes back to the the toolbar for a selected section when you release the button.
 The above observations are not a big issue but maybe this toolbar behaviour is not the way it could be.

 2. It seems like multiple selection is not allowed in the tree. So you cant change for example the colormap for a number of sections simultaneously.

 3. Pressing the mouse left button over 2D Seimics bring up a pop menu. Better, in my opnion, is activate the popup menu only on a right mouse button press event.

 4. A lef mouse button press over 2D Seismics could select this node and permit to change some properties for all sections under it, e.g the colormap.

 That is it. maybe como conclusions I made above are not correct. I'm just starting to explore opendtect. By the way I could try to implement some modifications based on the
 these observations if they are really correct as an exercise on coding in opendtect.


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