[OpendTect_Developers] Remote horizon seed picking

David d'Angelo david.d-angelo at iais.fraunhofer.de
Thu Nov 29 12:57:16 CET 2012

Hi folks,

I am working on a plugin, which remotely adds seed points to the active 
horizon tracker.
When receiving a pick point from the remote software, I am doing to 
following (hack to check the idea):

//Transform the point into the UTM coordinate system
Coord3 utmPos = convertICLToUTM(iclPos) //custom function
//try to get the first tracker
MPE::EMTracker* tracker = engine.getTracker(0);
//cast it to a horizon3d tracker
MPE::Horizon3DTracker * horizon3dTracker = 
dynamic_cast<MPE::Horizon3DTracker *>(tracker);
//get the seed picker
MPE::EMSeedPicker * seedPicker = horizon3dTracker->getSeedPicker();
//add the seed

Unfortunately, I then get the following error message in a pop-up window:
"Tracking Setup has different attributes than your seeds"

I want to use the same selection specs for this point as the tracker 
already has. My question now is how I can apply/set this.
Should I use something like:
seedPicker->setSelSpec( clickedas );
If so, how do I get the current active SelSpec.

Or is there another way to do achieve the adding of remote horizon seed 

Thanks in advance.


David d'Angelo, M. Sc.
Adaptive Reflective Teams
Fraunhofer IAIS
Schloss Birlinghoven
53754 Sankt Augustin
Fon: +49 (0) 2241 14 3444
Fax: +49 (0) 2241 14 2040

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