[Users] Extra Seismic Attributes and OpendTect course at dGB-USA office May 6-8

Friso Brouwer friso.brouwer at dgb-group.com
Thu Apr 24 18:02:48 CEST 2008

Dear all,

Due to over-subscription, 2 additional courses will be held at the 
dGB-USA office.

Date: May 6
Seismic attributes & Neural Networks for geological interpretation 

Dates: May 7-8
OpendTect, Dip-Steering & Neural Networks (hands-on).

Venue: dGB-USA office in Sugar Land, TX.
For more information and to subscribe see 

Kind regards,

Friso GC Brouwer
Chief Geophysicist

One Sugar Creek Center Boulevard
Suite 935
Sugar Land, TX, 77478

Tel 281 240-3939 (main)
Tel 281 240-6957 (direct)
Fax 281 240-3944
e-mail friso.brouwer at dgb-group.com

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