[Users] Mapping in OpendTect

Paul de Groot paul.degroot at opendtect.org
Thu Sep 25 13:09:54 CEST 2008

Dear OpendTect user,

First of all I am pleased to inform you that we have split of a new
development version that we intend to release as OpendTect v3.3.1 within
the next couple of days. This version will offer many new
functionalities that will be specified in the announce mail but in this
mail I just want to highlight the new mapping capability. 

As announced in my mail of 5 September we have created a link to GMT
that enables the creation of various scaled maps in OpendTect Base (the
Open Source part). How this works and what you can do can be found in
this powerpoint presentation:
ftp://ftp.dgb-group.com/pub/tmp/GMT_plugin.ppt .

Secondly, I'd like to thank those of you who responded to my question
about the need for a link to a commercial package. It appears that there
are many different (commercial) mapping tools used throughout the
industry: Petrosys, Geosoft Oasis Montaj, Global Mapper, Surfer,
Fledermaus, ISPoo3, SAGA, KoGeo and the internal tools offered by
Petrel, Kingdom etc.

Given this response there seems to be no current need within our
community that warrants spending resources on developing a link to any
particular commercial package. So, for the time being this topic is
downgraded on our priority list. We hope that the GMT solution will meet
most of your current needs.

Best regards,


-- Paul de Groot
-- OpendTect Support Team
-- paul.degroot at opendtect.org
-- http://www.opendtect.org
-- Tel: +31 534315155 , Fax: +31 534315104

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