[Users] Pre-stack and AGC Processing in OpendTect

Arnaud Huck arnaud.huck at dgbes.com
Fri Oct 9 10:05:57 CEST 2009

Dear OpendTect users,

Please find in our support section a new tutorial video on Pre-stack and
AGC Processing:

This new video highlights the following features:
* Display of pre-stack data in OpendTect
* Application of pre-processing methods on gathers, like mute, AGC and
vertical stack (super gathers).
* Creation of partial stacks from pre-stack data
* Extraction of AVO attributes
* Application of Automatic Gain Control to post-stack data

Best regards,
Arnaud Huck.

-- dGB Earth Sciences
-- Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
-- mailto: arnaud.huck at dgbes.com, http://www.dgbes.com
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