[OpendTect_Users] Survey Geometry

Eric Bouanga eric.bouanga at dgbes.com
Mon Jan 11 10:59:38 CET 2010

Dear Andrew Jo,

The document (OpendTect User documentation section 3.1.2) explains in 
details how to setup a new survey.


There are several ways of filling a new survey ranges/coordinate 
settings (Automatic, Manual, Copy, Workstation):

1- Auto-filling the ranges by scanning a SEG-Y file:
Set the 'Survey ranges/coordinate settings' into the 'Scan SEG-Y 
file(s).' option.
The SEG-Y import window will pop up. In this window, select the input 
file(s) (2D/3D). Select an appropriate 'File Type' and press OK to start 
scanning the input file. After the scan is completed, the survey ranges 
and coordinate settings will be filled automatically.

2- Manual Entry:
The blank fields can be filled manually by setting 'Ranges/coordinate 
settings'  (in the Survey setup Window) to 'Enter below'.
This is a good choice when the user already knows the extents of survey 
ranges (inline/crossline/Z-range), just fill the maximum, minimum ranges 
and corresponding steps.

3- If your data is 2D only:
Set the 'Survey Ranges/coordinate settings/ into 'Set for 2D only'. The 
window will pop up in which the average trace distance and the ranges 
for XY-coordinates are entered: Fill the approximate values and press OK 
These parameters are survey characteristics to define the survey box. In 
the survey ranges dummy ranges for inline, crossline are automatically 
set. Then fill in the Z range (no precision needed; 2D lines can stick 
out of the display box in all directions). The limit of the survey box 
will not affect the loading of 2D lines. The lines outside the survey 
area would be loaded normally. And that should be it. Press OK and 
select the new survey.

4-  Copy/Get from GeoFrame:
These options are specifically designed for the pre-existing survey 
definitions. Therefore, the survey ranges can be
  * Copied from the existing OpendTect survey
  * Get the survey ranges from GeoFrame (Workstation access plugin is 

Note: For details, please follow the above link.

I hope this will help, otherwise come back if you have any questions,

Best regards,


   Eric Bouanga, MSc.

   dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
   Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
   Mailto eric.bouanga at dgbes.com
   Tel: +31 534315155 , Fax: +31 534315104

Andrew Jo wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I have difficulty understanding the geometry setup of a survey. In 
> /easy/ coordinate setup, there are parameters:
>     - first inline/xline
>     - another position on above inline
>     - position not on above inline
> Can anyone explain me how to fill in the blanks? (the 'F1 Help' does 
> not give too much help...)
> Thanks before for the guide..
> Regards,
> Andrew Jo
> Univ. Indonesia
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