[OpendTect_Users] OpendTect users

Jan Stellingwerff jan.stellingwerff at dgbes.com
Wed Jan 13 09:59:03 CET 2010

Dear OpendTect users,

first of all I wish to welcome all the new users of this users 
mailinglist to the worldwide Opendtect community.

We are happy to see, that the number of participants to this mailinglist 
has grown enormously, in particular since the beginning of September 
2009, when OpendTect has been released under the GNU/GPL license. We 
wish to remind all the Opendtect users, who are using the GNU/GPL 
version, that many closed source plugins have been developed for 
Opendtect. These plugins allow very advanced and unique workflows. A 
list and description of these plugins can be found at 
http://www.dgbes.com/index.php/products.html . In order to have access 
to these plugins, you need to use the commercial version of Opendtect 
and obtain a license key for the plugins.

With the increasing number of participants, the number of postings has 
also grown.
Therefore I wish to remind you some basic rules:
The Opendtect users mailinglist is intended for the public posting of 
subjects, which are of general interest to all the Opendtect users 
worldwide. This can for example concern general questions on how to 
perform a specific workflow. But you can also share tips & tricks on 
specific workflows, which you have found to be handy and which might 
also be of interest to other users.

This mailing list is NOT to be used to discuss about specific bugs, 
installation problems, system crashes or how to setup a survey ! For 
these individual problems and bugs, please contact our support 
department at support at opendtect.org .

Please remember that a lot of information and help can be found on the 
support pages of our websites www.opendtect.org and www.dgbes.com. Here 
you can find a full  OpendTect- and plugin- documentation, a workflow 
documentation, tutorial videos, how to manuals and even a self-study 
OpendTect training course.

Please continue sharing your experience with Opendtect. Together we can 
and will continue to make OpendTect even better !

Jan Stellingwerff Beintema
Marketing Director
dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
mailto: jan.stellingwerff at dgbes.com,
Tel: +31 53 4315155
Fax: +31 53 4315104

More information about the Users mailing list