[OpendTect_Users] Balancing of surveys.

Sayed Hesammoddin Kazemeini hkazemeini at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 19 20:27:25 CET 2010

If I understood correctly your problem is basically similar to PP-PS registration. If so you  should be able to do the spectral balancing based on a reference (case 1 and 2) using the Madagascar interface in OD, however you need to have Madagascar installed.
If you decided to approach the problem using Madagascar, I could send some similar example.
Let me know,

--- On Fri, 3/19/10, Gholam Reza Ahmadi <gra at statoil.com> wrote:

From: Gholam Reza Ahmadi <gra at statoil.com>
Subject: [OpendTect_Users] Balancing of surveys.
To: "Bert Bril" <bert at opendtect.org>, "Users at opendtect.org" <Users at opendtect.org>
Date: Friday, March 19, 2010, 1:22 PM

Dear All,
I am wondering if anybody knows if/how the following two issues are possible to perform in OpendTect.

1: Offset balancing of surveys.
Given a Near/Mid/far offset lines(Cubes in 3D case) is it possible (using OD) to do the following:
Holding the near offset as reference then perform Spectral balancing, Time shift alignment (Mid and far to Near) and Phase shift (Mid and Far compared to Near)

2: Balancing of surveys (Mainly 2D but also 3D)
Given a reference survey (Full offset), Do the Spectral balancing, Time shift and Phase (as in point 1) for different (full offset) surveys


Best regards,
G. Reza Ahmadi |  Exploration Specialist

StatoilHydro ASA
Post box 910, NO-9481  Harstad
+ 47 99 58 16 29
gra at statoilhydro.com
Visitor address:
Mølnholtet 42, Harstad

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at opendtect.org [mailto:users-bounces at opendtect.org] On Behalf Of Bert Bril
Sent: 19. februar 2010 10:40
To: Users at opendtect.org
Subject: [OpendTect_Users] Command Driver (Working with several wells)

Hi all,

Emilson wrote:

> After setting up well tracks and depth models for dozens of wells,
> I'd like to know if there is a way to load the associated logs at
> once, maybe using a script or batch processing file.

We do get requests about a utility to load many wells in one go. Until
now, we haven't made it. The considerations are:
* Making such a utility is very hard
* In most cases the variability between different the input files is
* There is a commercial plugin loading from commercial data stores
We have had this on our 'wish-list' for a long long time, but there are
always higher priorities.

And, there now is a tool inside OpendTect that can help you automate
recurring, similar tasks: the 'Command Driver' (utilities-Tools-Command
Driver). We made it for automated testing, but it is now used by the
case studies people here in dGB as well for exactly things like loading
a lot of wells, horizons, and so forth.

The scripts are rather easy to understand. They are in terms of the
items you see in the dialogs. A 'command recorder' is present that can
capture actions and write those into a Command Driver script. Not every
possible action is caught, but every 'normal' series of dialog-, tree-,
icon- and menu-actions do work.

An example of such a script (just recorded this) where I actually loaded
some logs:

dTect V4.1
OpendTect commands
Fri Feb 19 10:02:12 2010

[OpendTect Main Window]
Menu "Survey`Import`Wells`Ascii`Logs"

[Well file management]
Button "Import"

Button "Select Input (pseudo-)LAS logs file"

FileOk "/d44/bert/surveys/F3_Demo/Rawdata/tst.las"

Button "TVDSS" On
Button "Ok"

To load a whole series of logs, you'd have to repeat the last set of
commands for each of the LAS files. This particular example would load
all logs in the LAS file. Say don't want that; then you can add things like:

ListClick "Select logs" "Density_Final2 (Density)" Left
ListClick "Select logs" "Porosity_1 (Porosity)" CtrlLeft

... before the 'Button "Ok"'. And so forth. You will understand the
problems making the 'load all' utility if you have LAS files where the
logs have different names, or are not present, or ...

Lastly, there are some 'autoexecute' options:
* If you place an 'autoexec.cmd' script in the 'Proc' directory of the
survey, it will be executed at startup or when you select the survey.
* You can specify a command file to run after startup. In this way the
whole OpendTect can be run in a sort of 'batch mode' if you want to. For
that, specify 'cmd=the_full_filename' on the start_dtect command line
(on Windows you need to make a batch file).

More info in the manual:

Bert Bril

-- Bert Bril / OpendTect developer at dGB
-- mailto:Bert.Bril at opendtect.org , http://opendtect.org

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