[OpendTect_Users] State Planes

Paul de Groot paul.degroot at dgbes.com
Fri Dec 2 09:48:57 CET 2011

Hello Tom,

Geographic referencing in OpendTect is done in X,Y (=Cartesian)
co-ordinates. OpendTect does not know which projection system was used to
create the X,Y co-ordinates. The State Plane Projections System is a set of
124 geographic zones used in the USA, see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Plane_Coordinate_System). The SPS
projections generate Cartesian co-ordinates, so the answer to your question
is yes: OpendTect does work work with State Plane Projections.

However, OpendTect does not support any projection systems itself. If you
don't have X,Y co-ordinates for your data you will have to do the
projection to State Plane co-ordinates with other software.

Best regards,


*Paul de Groot
dGB Earth Sciences, Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The
Tel. +31 53 43 15 155, Fax +31 53 43 15 104.
paul.degroot at dgbes.com, www.dgbes.com, www.opendtect.org.
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 4:42 PM, Donahoe, Thomas <ThomasDonahoe at cnxgas.com>wrote:

> All,****
> ** **
> I am curious if there is a way to work with state plane projections within
> OpendTect.****
> ** **
> Thanks for the help.****
> ** **
> *Tom Donahoe*
> Associate Geophysicist****
> CONSOL Energy, Inc.****
> 280 Indian Springs Rd., Suite 333****
> Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701****
> 724.464.2944 (office)****
> ThomasDonahoe at consolenergy.com****
> ** **
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