[OpendTect_Users] Problem updating well track/markers after well-seismic tie

Christoforos Benetatos christoforos.benetatos at polito.it
Mon Sep 26 15:51:22 CEST 2011

Dear OpendTect users,

I am facing the following problem (OpenDTect 4.2 - Win32bit).
I have succefully imported wells and well logs inside my OpenDTect project along with a set of 2D seismic data.
During the well-seismic tie process and for each combination of wavelet or log set, I manage to update the markers and the well track for all my vertical wells.
For the deviated well, the only one in the field, this process does not update the well track either the markers. I tried to load a time-depth curve from a nearby well be simply reading the T-D file but nothing happens visually. If I check the values of the time-depth curve from the well file management window they change each time I try something different but visually in the 3D window the well track and the markers remain always at the same position.

Thank you for any recommendation
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