[OpendTect_Users] OpendTect 2D horizon picking problem

MASSON Guillaume (ETU EOT) guillaume.masson at etu.unistra.fr
Fri Feb 3 14:55:16 CET 2012

NB : I am sorry i forgot to join you my pictures in my previous mail, I am really sorry again

   Dear OpendTect community,

I'm working on a research project and i am using OpendTect. I attached this mail a .pdf illustrating my problem with 2D horizon picking. I just try to pick seeds and draw 2D horizon on my seismic line but i can't draw a complete horizon, OpendTect doesn't allow me to continue... I am working on the 4.3 OpendTect version (i first downloaded the 4.2 version but OpendTect 4.2 needed like 5 min to pick 1 seed before to crash).

Please take a look at my picture I joined you, i spent hours on this problem and I am really need help. I would be
so grateful if you help me.

Best regards,
Guillaume M.
E.O.S.T Student 
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