[OpendTect_Users] z-shift of 2D seismic lines

Paul de Groot paul.degroot at dgbes.com
Thu May 3 16:15:24 CEST 2012

Hello René,

You can use the "Reference shift" attribute to apply a bulk shift. Since
you have different shifts you have to create separate shift attributes per
line. You can apply the shifts on-the-fly, or you can create a new line set
that is shift-corrected. Either way, the same shift should be applied to
the corresponding interpretations. Although I believe that this is do-able
for most objects, it may not be straightforward and it will be quite easy
to apply the wrong shift at some point.

May be I don't quite understand the problem but to ensure that data and
interpretation keep in sync I would seriously consider reloading the data
even if that means that you have to redo the interpretation.

Best regards,


*Paul de Groot
dGB Earth Sciences, Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The
Tel. +31 53 43 15 155, Fax +31 53 43 15 104.
paul.degroot at dgbes.com, www.dgbes.com, www.opendtect.org.

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:25 AM, René Grobe <grobe at geo-t.de> wrote:

> Dear users,****
> ** **
> I have a set of 2D seismic lines that are shifted differently in
> z-direction against each other. At the moment I addressed this problem by
> overruling the SEG-Y start time already while importing the lines. However,
> I wonder if there is any alternative to be able to shift the lines in
> z-direction somehow “on-the-fly” during interpretation. That means, without
> having to import the line(s) again, losing all features already interpreted
> on the particular line?****
> ** **
> Thanks in advance!
> ****
> Cheers,****
> René****
> ** **
> ** **
> _____________________________________________ ****
> ** **
> Dr. René Grobe****
> Geologist****
> GeoThermal Engineering GmbH (GeoT)****
> Baischstr. 7****
> D - 76133 Karlsruhe****
> Tel:         +49 721 570 44 6 84****
> Fax:        +49 721 570 44 6 89****
> Mail:      Grobe at Geo-T.de <grobe at geo-t.de>****
> Web:     *http://www.Geo-T.de/ <http://www.geo-t.de/>*****
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> Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Horst Kreuter, Registergericht Mannheim HRB
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