[OpendTect_Users] Ridge enhancement filter: in 6 or 4 different directions?

Robin MARCHANT Robin.Marchant at unil.ch
Wed Oct 3 11:27:29 CEST 2012


I have a problem understanding the ridge enhancement filter: the user 
states that "three neighboring similarity values in six different 
directions" are considered but the attribute formula seems to operate 
only in 4 different directions.

So is it 4 or 6 directions?

Furthermore, where can one find explinations for the Ridge enhancement 
filter expert parameters?

With my best regards,

*Curator of geology and paleontology
Geological State Museum

UNIL - Bâtiment Anthropole
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Phone: 021 692 44 72; Fax: 021 692 44 75
E-mail: Robin.Marchant at unil.ch
Internet: www.unil.ch/mcg

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