[OpendTect_Users] Creating a 3D horizon from 2D seafloor picks

Neil Peterson neil.peterson at gradient.com
Fri Oct 5 09:42:18 CEST 2012

     I had a similar issue. I was mapping the top of basement granitic rocks and tried what you are talking about. The way I ended up getting the horizon was to complete the interpretation of basement top on all 22 seismic lines in the available grid (using 2D horizon/draw between seeds with interpolate on). 
     Once this was done, I individually exported the x, y, z info for the seeds on each line and created a single file of all x, y, z points (copy everything into one notepad file).  Then bring in as a Horizon/3D geometry.  
     I then gridded the file using a calculated grid node spacing over the project area and 200m search radius/grid spacing. This may be the long way around the problem, but it worked. You'll definitely need more than one line to do this.  Otherwise all that you get with deriving the 3D surface the way you tried will be a small plane extending a short distance on either side of your picked horizon. 

     I hope this helps and good luck with your project. 


Best Regards,

Neil Peterson | Senior Geologist | Gradient Resources Inc | 9670 Gateway Dr. Suite 200, Reno NV 89521 | ph: 775-284-8842 | cell: 775-217-2629 | email: neil.peterson at gradient.com

On Oct 4, 2012, at 7:19 PM, "Katable" <katable at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there! 
> We are a postgraduate class using opendTect for the first time to interpret seismic lines, we have just gotten started on trying to pick the seafloor before moving on to interpret other horizons in the survey. Unfortunately we are having trouble creating a 3D seafloor from our 2D picks. The method we have been trying to use is: in the main window under the 2D horizons tree: right clicking on a horizon and selecting derive 3D horizon and then trying to either extend or use other picks to derive a 3D seafloor. At this point the computers crash and we have to close the programme. Is there a better way/a way around this problem. 
> If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. 
> Thanks,
> Geophysics 780 class from Auckland University
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