[OpendTect_Users] Importing digitized seismic images.

Bert Bril bert.bril at dgbes.com
Thu Jan 30 23:23:57 CET 2014

Alex wrote:

> I wonder if there is a way to import digitized seismic images (as JPEG
> or TIFF files) into OpendTect so we can interpret them? If so, how to
> proceed?

We know this is something a lot of people want, but as always we are 
completely swamped with other, even higher-priority tasks,

So I don't think there is anything for it at the moment, but maybe 
something is cooking somewhere.

To see what it would take, I loaded a picture into 'gimp' and saved it 
as 'PPM' - text. I made an 'awk' script (both gimp and awk are standard 
Linux tools, but I know they are available for Mac and Windows also), 
The script is listed below. With it, I could produce pictures like:


Lots of fiddling around, but it cost me a bit more than an hour to make 
the picture. Therefore, I guess if you're really dedicated it could be 
done 'for real' right now ....

Cheers, Bert


/* A few definitions and initializations */
      red = 0; green = 1; blue = 2;
      total_nr_vals = 0;
      pointidx = 0;

/* Configuration */

      channel = blue;

/*  0=Simple File seismics, 1=inl crl attrib horizons */
      output_mode = 1;

/*  For seismics */
      data_start_z = 0; data_z_interval = 4;

/*  For horizons */
      start_inl = 500; start_crl = 1000;
      step_inl = 1; step_crl = 1;


      if ( NR == 3 )
          rows = $1; cols= $2;
          if ( output_mode == 0 )
              printf( "%d\t%d\t%d\n", data_start_z,data_z_interval,rows);
      if ( NR > 3 )
          for ( idx=1; idx<=NF; idx++ )
              if ( total_nr_vals % 3 == channel )
                  val = $idx;
                  rownr = pointidx % rows;
                  if ( output_mode == 0 )
                      if ( rownr == rows-1 )
                          printf( "%d\n", val );
                          printf( "%d\t", val );
                      colnr = pointidx / rows;
                      inl = start_inl + step_inl * rownr;
                      crl = start_crl + step_crl * colnr;
                      printf( "%d\t%d\t%d\n", inl, crl, val );



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