[Users] Problem picking horizons

Paul de Groot paul.degroot at dgb-group.com
Wed Feb 9 10:15:12 CET 2005

Dear David,

You are not doing anything wrong. Instead you are experiencing the 
flukes of the tracking system, which was released as a prototype. We 
know this prototype is not very stable but we decided to release it 
early to get feedback from our users. The prototype tracker that is 
released in the "developer's version" is much better than the one in the 
"latest stable release". (We regularly upgrade the developer's version 
and our current in-house version is again better than the released 
developer's version).

We intend to release the tracker officially in March. From the official 
release day onwards we will provide support on this functionality but 
until then please bear with us.

Best regards,

Paul de Groot.

-- Paul de Groot
-- OpendTect Support Team
-- paul.degroot at opendtect.org
-- http://www.opendtect.org
-- Tel: +31 534315155 , Fax: +31 534315104

David Muerdter wrote:

> Dear OpendTect Users-
> I need some advice as to where I am going wrong.  I am new to 
> opendTect and just installed the basic program (no plugins) on my 
> WinXT (SP2) AMD Athlon machine.  The install went well and everything 
> came up OK.  The demo dataset loads and creates beautiful displays in 
> 3D.  After fumbling around for a while,  I am now able to get lines, 
> xlines, slices,  random lines and well displayed from the "All lines" 
> dataset.  I even loaded another dataset into a new survey - I like the 
> slick and easy-to-use SEGY data loader.
> My problem is understanding how to pick horizons and faults. My 
> procedure is as follows:
> 1.  Right click Horizons and select New
>         The tracking wizard window appears
> 2.  In Tracking Wizard window, enter name "HrzG" and click Next>>
>        Horizon tracking form appears in Tracking Wizard
> 3.  I don't change the defaults but rather pick 16 seed points on one 
> inline and one xline.  Click Next>>
>        Menu for selecting setup appears.  Clicked "New..." setup and 
> left default tracking, selected "All lines" attribute, minimum (red) 
> event, and left other parameters and weights at default settings.
>     When click "Next>>", program crashes.
> Restarted opendTect, deleted horizon, and repeated above steps:
> But this time with only picking 6 seed points on one L-shaped sections 
> of line 130 and xline 170)
> 3.  Entered "HrzDefault" as setup name, clicked new, selected "All 
> lines" attribute and changed to minimum (red) tracking event.  Program 
> crashes again.
> I was able to go father in picking in my first few fault and horizon 
> picking attempts.  But now I'm stuck.
> Have I corrupted something.  Am I missing a step?  Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.  Dave Muerdter
> -- 
>David Muerdter, Ph.D.		President, Geophysical Consultant
>LuminTerra, LLC
>17371 NE 67th Court, Suite A-6	Redmond, WA  98052  USA
>Phone: 206-719-4934		Alt. Phone & Fax: 425-881-5667 
>Email: davem at luminterra.com <mailto:davem at luminterra.com>
>Website: luminterra.com <http://www.luminterra.com>
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