[Users] importing seismic unix data

Menno Dillen menno.dillen at dgb-group.com
Fri Jun 17 11:19:04 CEST 2005

Dear OD users,

A convenient way to import su data (seismic unix) into OpendTect is by 
using the Simple file option when importing seismics. Below is an example:


in-line 1250
cross-lines 660-1620, i.e. 961 traces
dt = 0.004s
time range from 3.752-5.148s, i.e. 350 time samples.

-Use sustrip to remove the header from the su data:

sustrip < data.su > data.bin
n1=350 n2=961 d1=0.004000
nt=350 ntr=961 dt=0.004000

-Import into OpendTect

Select in OpendTect File-Import-Seismics-Simple File.
Select File type "Binary".
Select binary input file data.bin.
Select "3D".
Select Traces start with a position "No".
Inline definition: start, step = 1250, 1
Xline definition: start, step, #per inline = 660, 1, 961
Select File start contains sampling info "No"
Sampling info: start, step (ms) and #samples = 3752, 4, 350
Name output cube

-Check the imported data size and range with File-Manager-Seismics.

Displaying in OpendTect is done by selecting the imported data at inline 
position 1250.

Of course su data can also be imported after conversion to segy data.

Any other suggestions, please let us know.



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