[Users] RE: Users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 2

Gery Herbozo Jimenez gamejihou at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 21 15:16:57 CET 2008

> I need to know if my graphic card has a memory of de 64 mb with Ram memory> de 1 Gb, it can work with the opendtect or no.
HI Jhonny, actually you must have a powerful video card installed in your powerful computer to have a good performance using OD. I faced this problem before, as Mr Arnaud said it would be useful if you review messages regarding PC configuration in the OD list.
Best Regards,

> While we do not have a minimum configuration, we provide the following > recommendations:> ftp://ftp.opendtect.org/pub/rel/hardware_requirements.html> In general, do not hesitate to use the archive of the mailing lists: > http://lists.opendtect.org/pipermail/users/> A search with the key words "graphic card" returns a very similar topic > posted in September 2007, that contains the above mentioned > informations. 
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