[OpendTect_Users] SMT Kingdom Suite SEG-Y files

Bert Bril bert at opendtect.org
Mon Dec 7 14:10:39 CET 2009

Dear users,

I got some answers to my question on Kingdom Suite SEG-Y files, I'll try 
to summarize them.

* It seems that KS does not produce Revision 1 SEG-Y files in the first 
place (Amazing - it's been seven years now since the standard appeared).

* This means that for reading, you always have to change the bytes for 
inline and crossline to 17 and 25.

* If you have existing KS SEG-Y files: the sign of the time of the first 
sample seems to be opposite to what the standard dictates - therefore 
you need to check whether the start time is non-zero, and act accordingly.

* You should be able to export better SEG-Y files from KS by using the 
"Advanced" button and click "Change sign of Lag A" or change the sign in 
a TextBox.


-- Bert Bril / OpendTect developer at dGB
-- mailto:Bert.Bril at opendtect.org , http://opendtect.org

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