[Users] -- SURVEY -- Creation of output files in OpendTect

Arnaud Huck arnaud.huck at dgbes.com
Fri Feb 20 10:57:30 CET 2009

Dear OpendTect users,

The support team would like to have your opinion on the naming
convention for outputing volumes and lines.

At the moment no names are provided in the 3D output window. However we
sometimes get the request to provide names instead of blank fields for
the output cubes/lines based on the attribute name for instance.
The naming of 2D output is also slightly different. At the moment 2D
output names must be "lineset name|attribute name", and in order to
highlight this different syntax we do not use blank fields but provide
here a default output name for both the output lineset and attribute names.

Please let us know your preference for the following two questions (see
attached screenshots):

1. Default output cube name in 3D:
Choice A: Blank field.
Choice B: Default name, for instance the attribute name.
Choice C: Other; Please suggest.

2. Default lineset and line names in 2D:
Choice A: Blank field.
Choice B: Default attribute name, lineset name hidden (default is same
as input) but selectable by pressing the select button.
Choice C: Default lineset name and default attribute name, separated by
a pipe character.
Choice D: Other; Please suggest.

We look forward hearing from your ideas.

Best regards,
Arnaud Huck.

-- dGB Earth Sciences
-- Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
-- mailto: arnaud.huck at dgbes.com, http://www.dgbes.com
-- Tel: +31 53 4315155 , Fax: +31 53 4315104

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