[Users] RGB blending in OpendTect

Crepin Eric Bouanga eric.bouanga at dgbes.com
Fri Sep 25 18:20:10 CEST 2009

Dear OpendTect user,

RGB blending (aka color stacking) is a powerful visualization technique 
to view multiple attributes simultaneously. In combination with spectral 
decomposition RGB blending can be used to visualize thickness variations 
in the target interval at sub-seismic resolution. How to do this in 
OpendTect v4.0 is shown in this new "How To" presentation: 
http://www.dgbes.com/images/stories/PDF/howto_rgb_blending.pdf  .

I hope you find this information useful. If you have any questions 
please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you and best regards,

Eric Bouanga.

   Eric Bouanga, MSc.

   dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
   Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
   Mailto eric.bouanga at dgbes.com
   Tel: +31 534315155 , Fax: +31 534315104

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