[OpendTect_Users] Command Driver (Working with several wells)

Emilson emilson at ige.unicamp.br
Fri Feb 19 17:21:52 CET 2010

Thanks Bert,

I've done some test based on your example and it worked well.


Bert Bril escreveu:
> Hi all,
> Emilson wrote:
>> After setting up well tracks and depth models for dozens of wells,
>> I'd like to know if there is a way to load the associated logs at
>> once, maybe using a script or batch processing file.
> We do get requests about a utility to load many wells in one go. Until
> now, we haven't made it. The considerations are:
> * Making such a utility is very hard
> * In most cases the variability between different the input files is
> enormous
> * There is a commercial plugin loading from commercial data stores
> We have had this on our 'wish-list' for a long long time, but there are
> always higher priorities.
> And, there now is a tool inside OpendTect that can help you automate
> recurring, similar tasks: the 'Command Driver' (utilities-Tools-Command
> Driver). We made it for automated testing, but it is now used by the
> case studies people here in dGB as well for exactly things like loading
> a lot of wells, horizons, and so forth.
> The scripts are rather easy to understand. They are in terms of the
> items you see in the dialogs. A 'command recorder' is present that can
> capture actions and write those into a Command Driver script. Not every
> possible action is caught, but every 'normal' series of dialog-, tree-,
> icon- and menu-actions do work.
> An example of such a script (just recorded this) where I actually loaded
> some logs:
> dTect V4.1
> OpendTect commands
> Fri Feb 19 10:02:12 2010
> !
> [OpendTect Main Window]
> Menu "Survey`Import`Wells`Ascii`Logs"
> [Well file management]
> Button "Import"
> [Logs]
> Button "Select Input (pseudo-)LAS logs file"
> [Open]
> FileOk "/d44/bert/surveys/F3_Demo/Rawdata/tst.las"
> [Logs]
> Button "TVDSS" On
> Button "Ok"
> To load a whole series of logs, you'd have to repeat the last set of
> commands for each of the LAS files. This particular example would load
> all logs in the LAS file. Say don't want that; then you can add things like:
> ListClick "Select logs" "Density_Final2 (Density)" Left
> ListClick "Select logs" "Porosity_1 (Porosity)" CtrlLeft
> ... before the 'Button "Ok"'. And so forth. You will understand the
> problems making the 'load all' utility if you have LAS files where the
> logs have different names, or are not present, or ...
> Lastly, there are some 'autoexecute' options:
> * If you place an 'autoexec.cmd' script in the 'Proc' directory of the
> survey, it will be executed at startup or when you select the survey.
> * You can specify a command file to run after startup. In this way the
> whole OpendTect can be run in a sort of 'batch mode' if you want to. For
> that, specify 'cmd=the_full_filename' on the start_dtect command line
> (on Windows you need to make a batch file).
> More info in the manual:
> http://opendtect.org/rel4/doc/User/base/command_driver_manual.htm
> Bert Bril

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