[OpendTect_Users] OpendTect Introduction Training in Houston

Friso Brouwer support-americas at dgbes.com
Tue Jun 29 17:53:07 CEST 2010

The first series of Introduction Training for OpendTect has been well
received by the OpendTect users.We have had several months were we ran more
than the planned classes due to the large interest. Following this success
we have decided to continue this successful initiative and plan additional
classes in the fall of 2010, including one in Denver in advance of the SEG
annual conference.

The introduction training covers all basic interaction and the most
important seismic interpretation workflows in OpendTect. On request, the
training can  be extended with additional days of Plugin training. Every
training is given by one of the experienced dGB scientists on the Houston
staff who work everyday with OpendTect.

The next class in planned for July 13, and has still open seats. To view
more information and to subscribe to the training class, please use the link

 Click more information on the training program and how to

dGB Support,

dGB Earth Sciences Americas - Support
support-americas at dgbes.com
+1 281 240 3939
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