[OpendTect_Users] .dzt to .sgy

Matthias Schuh m.schuh at neckargeo.net
Wed Mar 10 09:06:02 CET 2010

Hi Jason,

free GSSI-to-SEGY conversion tools seem to be hard to find these days.
Your best - free - bet probably is to find a software which can convert
dzt files to "anything" (provided the latter format is well documented)
and find another on which converts "anything" to hopefully valid SEGY.
You could e.g. use GP Workbench ( http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2006/1365/ )
to convert the radar data to Seismic Unix format, and proceed from
there. Or even use GSSIs own (antique) Radan to Ascii converter (
http://www.geophysical.com/softwareutilities.htm ).
If "preferably free" can be replaced with "preferably low cost", you
could have a look at http://www.sandmeier-geo.de/Reflex/reflex_2DQuick.htm

NB: I really do not mean to advertise here, those are just the tools
that I have been using occasionally to accomplish the conversion you


Matthias Schuh, Dipl. Geologe

services & solutions in geosciences
and information technologies

Christophstr. 12
D-72072 Tübingen

tel: +49 7071 639 905
cel: +49 160 855 03 83
mail: m.schuh at neckargeo.net
web: http://neckargeo.net

Jason Herrmann schrieb:
> Dear All,
> I'm looking for a way to convert batches of .dzt files collected with
> a GSSI SIR-3000 GPR system to SEG-Y format.  Do any (preferably free)
> conversion tools exist out there?
> Thanks,
> Jason
> --
> Jason T. Herrmann
> Doctoral Candidate
> Environmental Dynamics Program
> 113 Ozark Hall
> University of Arkansas
> Fayetteville, Arkansas, 72701
> jherrma at uark.edu
> http://www.projectpast.org/herrmann/index.html

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