[OpendTect_Users] Command Driver plug-in webinar movie now online

Jaap Glas Jaap.Glas at dgbes.com
Fri Mar 26 09:52:18 CET 2010

Dear OpendTect users,

A recorded session of OpendTect's first webinar on the Command Driver plug-in
is now available online. The presentation includes a demonstration on the use
of the Command Recorder and the Command Driver, and an overview of its current
possibilities and future extensions. A second chance for anyone who missed
the webinar, but wants to be informed nevertheless.

This is the link to view a flash movie (43 minutes) of the presentation


This is the link to download the mp4-file (68 MB) of the presentation:


Recorded sessions of OpendTect webinars will be appointed their own
permanent location on our website www.opendtect.org in due time.

Best regards,

Jaap Glas

-- dr. Jaap C. Glas
-- Software Engineer
-- dGB Earth Sciences
-- Nijverheidstraat 11-2
-- 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
-- jaap.glas at dgbes.com
-- http://www.dgbes.com
-- Tel: +31 534315155, Fax: +31 534315104

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