[OpendTect_Users] Statistics within two horizons

Friso Brouwer friso.brouwer at dgbes.com
Tue May 25 23:40:29 CEST 2010

Dear Emilson,

Yes you can do that in OpendTect 4.0, depending on what you exactly want to
do, two different workflows exist.

-1- *Stratal amplitudes between two horizons*: Go to the menu tab
Processing>Create Grid Output> Stratal Amplitudes. Here the statistical
measure of a volume between two horizons can be extracted and will be stored
there as surface data on a horizon. If you then display the extracted
surface data on the horizon element you used, you can get the histogram via
the histogram option in the tree, by left clicking on the horizon layer you
would like the histogram from and choose "histogram".

-2- *Cross-plotting of attributes in a volume between two horizons*: Go to
the menu tab Analysis > Cross-plot > Attributes <-> Attributes . There use
the "Select locations by" option and set that to surface and now toggle to
second surface. Choose your bounding horizons and attribute volume(s) you
would like to cross-plot. After data extraction a cross-plot dialogue
appears, you can use that to get a histogram from a single attribute volume
or a cross-plot of multiple attribute volumes. The help option in the
cross-plotting dialogue explains the workflow and different icons in more

I hope this gets you going, let me know if you have any questions about my



On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Emilson <emilson at ige.unicamp.br> wrote:

> Dear users,
> I have several 3D seismic attribute models and I want to obtain their
> basic statistics and histograms only from data that is in a region
> comprised between two specific horizons.
> Is it possible to do that directly in opendtect?
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Emilson P. Leite
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