[OpendTect_Users] post-stack processing

rob hardy rob at tonnta-energy.com
Wed May 26 19:19:36 CEST 2010

The processing options directly within OpendTect generally are slightly
limited - just bandpass filtering, gain, FK dip filter, gapped deconvolution
etc... but an option is available to use the Madagascar link to that
opensource processing system (Personally I use seismic unix to do post-stack
processing before loading to OpendTect but Madagascar is an equally
excellent processing system). The structural filters within OpendTect can be
very powerful for noise suppression if you have that option.



-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at opendtect.org [mailto:users-bounces at opendtect.org] On
Behalf Of Brennan, Brian
Sent: 26 May 2010 15:01
To: users at opendtect.org
Subject: [OpendTect_Users] post-stack processing

Hello fellow dTectors.

I'm a new user who has just succeeded in getting several 2D lines loaded
into OpendTect.  I'm interested in doing some poststack processing to
improve signal-noise.  I'm thinking of something like FX decon, LIFT
(CoreLab), RPF, and so on.

Is there anything like that in OpendTect?

Thanks for the help. 

Brian Brennan
Senior Geophysicist
Plains Exploration & Production Co.
bbrennan at pxp.com

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