[OpendTect_Users] Registration Reminder for the November Webinar: "What should one think of when doing a colored inversion?"

Support Americas support-americas at dgbes.com
Tue Nov 2 20:24:58 CET 2010

Hello fellow dTectors!

This is a final reminder to register for the OpendTect/ARK CLS webinar
that will be held on Wednesday the 3rd of November. This webinar,
"What should one think of when doing a colored inversion?” will be
co-hosted by Arnaud Huck of dGB, and Adrian Bennetton of ARK CLS.

This webinar, will cover two plugins: SCI (Seismic Coloured Inversion)
and SSB (Seismic Spectral Blueing). Arnaud and Adrian will walk us
through the steps and help us to consider what we are doing, and why
we should or should not implement these workflows with our data set.
They will explain why we should add SCI as a routine step to our

To register for this webinar, please follow the link below:



The dTector

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