[OpendTect_Users] May Webinar: CORRECT LINK

Renee renee.bourque at dgbes.com
Wed Apr 20 21:59:29 CEST 2011

dGB Earth Sciences






May Webinar

Discontinuity Attributes for Fault Mapping


dGB's  <http://dgbes.com/index.php/dgb-usa.html> Friso Brouwer will show us
how to use the similarity attribute for detection and mapping of fault
related seismic discontinuities. Strategies for optimization of the
similarity attribute, through seismic data pre-conditioning, optimization of
attribute parameters and application of post-attribute image enhancement


The key to success designing seismic attributes is a structured systematic
approach within the context of the final objective of geological
characterization. In this webinar we will outline such approach for the
similarity attribute applied to map geological faulting imaged in the
seismic data. First the similarity attribute is reviewed, including its
strengths and weaknesses for the mapping of faults in seismic data.
Alternative methods (curvature, neural networks) are discuss and compared
with the similarity method, including some guidance when to use which
method. Finally a systematic approach to optimizing the similarity attribute
through pre-conditioning of the seismic data, optimization of the similarity
parameters and application of post-attribute image enhancement filters is


 <https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/247618528> Register here for this
webinar to be held on Wednesday, May 4th, 9:00 am Houston time. Click
1&hour=14&min=0&sec=0&p1=104> here to see the time in your time zone.


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<http://www.facebook.com/pages/OpendTect/116868268369067> Facebook, and
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