[OpendTect_Users] Importing a picture

Bert Bril bert at opendtect.org
Tue Dec 13 11:21:12 CET 2011


I get (variants) of this question every once in a while:

"I would like to import a raster picture and pick it. This is useful 
when you want to create a survey with published data. Is it possible in 
OpendTect or maybe there is a trick to read raster files as false segy?"

To start at the end: don't even think about SEG-Y! That is like 
e-mailing your text in Morse code (and will be similarly difficult to do).

Just use the 'Simple File' format to import your data. The simplest 
'simple file' is just a matrix of data points. Time/depth is the fastest 
dimension. Like:

trc1_samp1 trc1_samp2 ... trc1_sampN
trc2_samp1 trc2_samp2 ... trc2_sampN
trcN_samp1 trcN_samp2 ... trcN_sampN

The import is accessible through Survey-Import-Seismics-Simple File. And 
if you want to export: yes, there's also an export going in the reverse 

More info at:



-- Bert Bril / OpendTect developer at dGB
-- mailto:Bert.Bril at opendtect.org , http://opendtect.org

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