[OpendTect_Users] Problem to display GPR data

morgane.gillard at etu.unistra.fr morgane.gillard at etu.unistra.fr
Mon Feb 14 16:43:05 CET 2011


I'm trying to use OpendTect to make a 3D block with GPR data but I  
have a problem : my data are in .dzt but I can't display them in the  
survey. However, when I clic on "Display in a 2D viewer", it diplays  
the profile in 2D. So the data are correct. I don't know how to do to  
display my GPR profiles in the 3D box. It's the first time I use  
OpendTect. I followed all stages, as mentioned in the tutorial...

Thanks for your response
(excuse me for my bad english...)


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