[OpendTect_Users] Problems loading CODA SEG-Y data <== Sorry!

Jan Stellingwerff jan.stellingwerff at dgbes.com
Thu Feb 17 14:57:51 CET 2011

Dear all,

yesterday, many of you have received an email with this same subject 
from the OpendTect users mailinglist, posted by one of our fellow 
OpendTectors .
You have all seen that there was a very large attachment to this email.

As moderator of this mailinglist, I should not have let this email pass 
by, as the reception of this attachment has blocked the inbox of many 
OpendTect users for a long time.

I am very sorry for this, I do apologize and I will do my best to check 
your postings even more carefully from now on.

 From your side: please do not attach large attachments to your 
messages. Please be aware that many OpendTect users worldwide will read 
you message. Please do not forget that in many areas in the world, 
internet is still very slow and very often very intermittent.
(Eh, Rodrigo, I hope your data were not confidential? They are now in 
the inbox of thousands of people all over the world...).

While I am at it: before you post to the mailinglist, please consider 
first, if your question or remark will be of interest to many or all 
other OpendTect users?
Recently I have had to refuse many postings, because they concerned 
individual technical problems, which should have been sent to 
support at opendtect.org . Of course I do forward them to our support 
department. But it would make life easier for all, if emails are 
directly sent to the right person!

Sorry again for having blocked your incoming mail for so long...

Happy OpendTecting!

Jan Stellingwerff Beintema
Marketing Director
dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
mailto: jan.stellingwerff at dgbes.com,
Tel: +31 53 4315155
Fax: +31 53 4315104

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