[OpendTect_Users] horizon mapping

Farrukh Qayyum farrukh.qayyum at dgbes.com
Fri Feb 18 12:05:58 CET 2011

Hello Murty,

I think your problem is mainly addressing to some adjustments in the
tracking setup of OpendTect. The tracker tracks only a small area
because of strict settings in the tracking setup. There are several
possibilities, very narrow time gate, step-wise tracking parameters, or
the allowed similarity value. I will suggest you to please have a look
on the help documentation Section 3.3 (press F1 while running the
OpendTect). The details on it are in the sub-sections i.e. *Event tab*
and *Similarity tab*.

OpendTect tracking setup has several unique options one of those is
step-wise tracking algorithm. If you are interested, you may have a look
on a 7min video tutorial on OpendTect Horizon Tracking

Direct link: _http://www.opendtect.org/tutorials/Horizon_tracking_in_v4.0/_

Furthermore, for the interest of OpendTect users, we are now routinely
organizing webinars. We often get e-mails from our users about their
wishes on a webinar topic
<http://www.dgbes.com/index.php/General/webinars-in-2011.html>. This
e-mail makes me to think about a webinar topic (*Horizon Tracking in
OpendTect*). If you and others have an interest in it, we may organize
it in coming months.

Best Regards,

Farrukh Qayyum
dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
Nijverheidstraat 11-2,
7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands.
Tel:	+31 53 4315155
Fax:	+31 53 4315104
mailto: farrukh.qayyum at dgbes.com

On 02/18/2011 11:11 AM, bvssr_murty at ongcvidesh.in wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> while I am tracking a horizon, i saw only circles where i click it.  system is not connecting these circles with a line, like as in landmark. How to do it?
> 2. I had given a command for volume tracking , but  sytem tracks a small portion of the area.
> Kindly tell me  solution for this problem.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: morgane.gillard at etu.unistra.fr [mailto:morgane.gillard at etu.unistra.fr]
> To: Sent: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 09:56:54 +0100
> Subject: [OpendTect_Users] Create 3D cube using 2D lines
> Hi all,
> I wanted to make a 3D cube using a 2D line set of GPR data but I have  
> read in past messages that we can't do this with OpendTect... Do  
> someone know how I can do ?
> Regards,
> Morgane
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