[OpendTect_Users] fault tracing on 2d viewer

Danson Mburu seismoservice at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 21 16:09:23 CET 2011

I have been having difficulties in mapping faults in 2d sections. Horizons 
timing is okay on 2d viewer but fault tracing on 2d viewer not possible or i do 
not know how.  Tracing the faults on 3d display is very cumbersome and not 
accurate. please advice and help.
 Danson G mburu
 Exploration Geophysicist 
 MOBILE 0710345510 TEL: 254-020-558199,312069,02113289
"A person who will use their skill and constructive imagination to see how much 
they can give to a dollar instead how little they can give for a dollar is 
bound  to succeed." 

- Henry ford

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