[OpendTect_Users] Restarting a failed Horizon Cube job

Dey, Ayon K ayon.dey at aramco.com
Wed Nov 16 07:24:00 CET 2011

Hello dTectors,

Is there a way of re-starting an incomplete Horizon Cube job from the fail point?

I had been computing a Horizon Cube job for over 24 hours when my network failed.  As such, I had to do a hard reboot of my workstation and all processes were stopped.  If possible, I'd like to be able to just "complete" the previous job (instead of starting over from the beginning).  Can anyone advise on how to do this, or if this is even possible?

Thanks in advance,
Ayon Kumar Dey, Ph.D.
Reservoir Geophysicist
Saudi Aramco

Office: +966 (0)3 873-1228
ayon.dey at aramco.com<mailto:ayon.dey at aramco.com>

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