[OpendTect_Users] Neural Network Fault Cube Questions

Nicola Scarselli n.scarselli at es.rhul.ac.uk
Fri Apr 20 10:33:24 CEST 2012

Dear ODT Users,
I have few questions/comments regarding the Neural Network Fault Cube (NNFC) I'm testing at the moment:

1) In order to run NNFC you need to provide a steering cube. Which is the one to use between background and detailed? Which are the parameters suggested for calculating such steering cube?

2) I noticed that my NNFC fails in areas of very steep reflectors - even if these areas are not faulted at all, my NNFC reports very high fault probability there. Is there any attribute I can add/remove/change to the process in order to address this problem?

3) While my NNFC seems to perform well with relatively large fault (length > 300ms), it fails in picking "small" faults (length ≤ 100ms) e.g. polygonal faults. Is this behaviour expected? Is there any recommendation for detecting "small" faults?

Many thanks,

PS Is there any plan for a NNFC webinar?

Nicola Scarselli
Postgraduate Researcher
Fault Dynamics Research Group
Star Group
Room 262

Department of Earth Sciences
Royal Holloway University of London
Egham, Surrey
TW20 0EX
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 1784 44 3597

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