[OpendTect_Users] mac platform users

Kristofer Tingdahl kristofer.tingdahl at dgbes.com
Sun Feb 26 21:08:10 CET 2012

Dear Mr. Bjelm,

Mac OSX (Snow Leopard) should work fine. There are a couple of tweaks you
have to be aware of. The licensing on mac in OpendTect 4.2 is still using
PowerPC code, so you have to have rosetta installed. This is also the
reason that no closed source plugins does not work on MacOS Lion, as Apple
has removed Rosetta. On our coming release of version 4.4 we will use
Intel-based licensing on the mac.

Another thing, which is rather an annoyance than a bug, is that OpendTect
is adapted to work with a 3-button mouse, and is hence not to easy to work
with if you only have the magic mouse or a single mousepad. Steal a
3-button mouse from a PC user and you'll be just fine.

Best regards,

Kristofer Tingdahl

Kristofer Tingdahl, Ph. D.
CEO & Mac-champion
dGB Earth Sciences
https://facebook.com/OpendTect <https://www.facebook.com/OpendTect>
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