[OpendTect_Users] computing time for dip steering median filter

Antonio Rocha Antonio.Rocha at barraenergia.com.br
Thu Jan 19 11:55:51 CET 2012


I´m trying to run a dip steering median filter in one machine and facing computing time troubles:

a)      Dell Precision T5500 - Intel Xeon X5690 @ 3.47 GHz - 48 GB Ram - 64 bits

b)      Cube is 200 GB big (very big indeed) - PSDM from 0 to 12000 m

c)       I´ve a 555 steering cube as background - with FULL

d)      I´ve tested stepout in one line - 11 x 22 x 44 x 66 x 88

e)      88 seemed to be the best but didn´t run

f)       66 was cut back to 3000 to 12000 and took 12 h to run 2% (25 days to complete!)

g)      I´m trying now 44

I wonder if there are other ways to tackle this, since it´s too much time even considering the cube is big.

Best Regards

[Descrição: Descrição: Descrição: F:\BACKUP - Diário\Danilo\Documentos - Barra Energia\Logo\versão OFICIAL\logo_barra_energia.jpg] Antonio Rocha
Geofísico Senior - Senior Geophysicist
Avenida Abelardo Bueno, 199, room 203 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
CEP 22775-040
Tel +5521 30372773
Cel +5521 72050965

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