[OpendTect_Users] Well corelation panel

bruno at opendtect.org bruno at opendtect.org
Fri May 4 09:33:24 CEST 2012

Dear Septian Prahastudhi,

In the Well Correlation Panel, the diviated wells are projected along  
the vertical axis. The correlation can then only be done in this  
direction. We do not to support a horizontal display of deviated well  
logs/tracks on the seismic viewers yet.

Best Regards,
Bruno Chaintreuil

Quoting Septian Greenwood <septiangreenwood at rocketmail.com>:

> Dear all users
> I Have 3D seismik and 3well, but all of the well are deviated, after  
> i create the randomline using well to well correlation, the  
> correlation only match in the vertical (before deviated
> ), can you help me to make a good coorelation in deviated well?
> My best regards
> Septian Prahastudhi
> Undergraduate Student
> Indonesia

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