[OpendTect_Users] multi machine processing

Anders Harrysson anders.harrysson at fem4fun.com
Wed Nov 7 18:43:05 CET 2012

Dear all

Trying to set up multi machine processing. Unsuccessful so far.

Have three computers X,Y,Z all running windows 7 64bit.
X contains the dataroot: *D:\DTECT_DATA*
Y and Z access the survey through a network drive *Z:\*

Have formatted the BatchHost file on X as follows:
dTect V3.0
Batch Processing Hosts
Tue Oct2 10:34:43 2007
Remote shell: rsh
Default nice level: 5
First port: 37500
! win : Z;\DTECT_DATA : win : Z;\DTECT_DATA

When I run Multi-Machine Processing on X I can see Y and Z as available 
hosts but when I add them they don´t work. I am running the Opendtect 
remote service manager on Y and Z.

Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

Anders Harrysson

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