[OpendTect_Users] need help

Yuancheng Liu yuancheng.liu at dgbes.com
Thu Oct 18 16:08:45 CEST 2012

Hello, Nayyer,

I am glad the trick works for you.

To answer your question, OpenGL shading is a programming technique used 
in OpenGL which gives some specific affects in display.  We use shading 
in OpendTect to make better, crispier display if the users' graphics 
cards support it. You can see a big difference when display objects in 
the scene if you turn on and off the shading.

Unfortunately, not all graphic cards support shading, especially those 
old ones. Also, different brands may support differently. Based on what 
I know, Nvidia cards may behave better than ATI cards in OpendTect.

Best regards,

Yuancheng Liu

> Thanks Liu. It worked for me. Can you tell me what is Open GL shading.
> Thanks again.
> Nayyer Islam
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 9:45 AM, Yuancheng Liu 
> <yuancheng.liu at dgbes.com <mailto:yuancheng.liu at dgbes.com>> wrote:
>     Dear Nayyer,
>     One thing you could try is to turn off the shading of your OpenGL.
>     Go to Utilities-->settings-->Look and feel-->select No for "Use
>     OpenGL shading".
>     We had some cases like this before which were related to graphics
>     cards, but I am surprised that your very well configured laptop
>     also has this issue.
>     Best regards,
>     Yuancheng Liu
>>     One thing that I should share is that I see this problem when I
>>     run OpendTect on my laptop but it works fine with high
>>     performance machines. However, I beleive that my laptop is also
>>     much better configured than what is minimum requirement for the
>>     package.
>>     I have Corei7 with 8GB ram, and Intel HD Graphics Family and
>>     NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M.
>>     I would also like to know what is the possible reason of this
>>     problem.
>>     Thank you.
>>     Nayyer Islam
>>     On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 1:45 AM, Nayyer Islam <nislam at mtu.edu
>>     <mailto:nislam at mtu.edu>> wrote:
>>         I am also having the same problem with 3D data. You can do
>>         one thig. Right click on the "attribute" and "dsiplay in a 2D
>>         viewer". It looks good in 2D viewer.
>>         Nayyer Islam
>>         On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Yurdagul Isik
>>         <yurdagul-isik at utulsa.edu <mailto:yurdagul-isik at utulsa.edu>>
>>         wrote:
>>             Dear users,
>>             I have a problem about 2D data visualization. The 2D data
>>             is uploaded but when I add an inline or crossline, it is
>>             seen as in the attached image not as an 2d data. How can
>>             I fix it ?
>>             Please send me an immediate message.
>>             Thanks,
>>             Yurdagul ISIK
>>             M.S. Student
>>             University of Tulsa
>>             Department of Geosciences
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>>         -- 
>>         Sincerely,
>>         *Nayyer Islam*
>>         PhD Student, Geological Engineering
>>         Chair, GSG Academic Committee
>>         President, Geophysical Society at MTU
>>         Secratary, Muslim Student Association
>>     -- 
>>     Sincerely,
>>     *Nayyer Islam*
>>     PhD Student, Geological Engineering
>>     Chair, GSG Academic Committee
>>     President, Geophysical Society at MTU
>>     Secratary, Muslim Student Association
>>     This body part will be downloaded on demand.
> -- 
> Sincerely,
> *Nayyer Islam*
> PhD Student, Geological Engineering
> Chair, GSG Academic Committee
> President, Geophysical Society at MTU
> Secratary, Muslim Student Association

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