[OpendTect_Users] Time-to-depth 2D horizons conversion with well sonic information

Eric Bouanga eric.bouanga at dgbes.com
Mon May 6 09:45:36 CEST 2013

Dear Gery / Dear OpendTect users,

All the information Paul explained on Rock-physics library can be found in
detailed in OpendTect User Documentation version 4.4 as shown in the link


Best regards,


   Eric Bouanga, MSc.

   dGB Earth Sciences B.V.
   Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The Netherlands
   Mailto: eric.bouanga at dgbes.com
   Tel: +31 534315155 / Fax: +31 534315104
   Skype: ericb_dgb

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Gery . <gamejihou at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks a lot for such good info, sorry for asking this but why this is not
> in the docs? I haven't found it. I do have the licenses for the plugins of
> version 4, they work with the 4.3 though. Bert and Jan as always were very
> helpful with that (as all of you of course), they provided me the licenses
> last year. Now I'm updating the current OD version (very cool interface by
> the way) and will see if the licenses work with it. So, I will test things
> here and will post some questions if they don't work.
> Thanks again, keep the great work up!!
> Best regards,
> Gery
> __________________________________________________________________________________________
> Piensa en el medio ambiente - mantenlo en la pantalla. NO lo imprimas si
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> Think green - keep it on the screen. Do NOT print if it is NOT necessary.
> Denken Sie an die Umwelt - bewahren Sie es auf dem Bildschirm. Drucken
> Sie es NICHT, wenn es NICHT notwendig ist.
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 18:04:11 +0200
> Subject: Re: [OpendTect_Users] Time-to-depth 2D horizons conversion with
> well sonic information
> From: paul.degroot at dgbes.com
> To: gamejihou at hotmail.com
> CC: users at opendtect.org
> Hi Gery,
> There are several tools in OpendTect to make life easier:
>    1. There is an extensive Rock-physics library integrated in the
>    "Manage Well" utility. Press on "Create..." and then on the little icon on
>    the right-hand side of the first line. This will open the Rock-Physics
>    window. Chose Velocity -> Velocity from Sonic. Press OK to generate a
>    Velocity log in the units that you want (m/s).
>    2. In the Volume Builder you can build a velocity model that you can
>    then use to convert any data from time-to depth. This can be done
>    on-the-fly, or in batch. You want to use the option "horizon-based painter"
>    several times. The velocities (or gradients) you can get from the velocity
>    log that you have calculated. This step you need to do in a spreadsheet.
>    3. Alternatively, if you have a HorizonCube (you need a commercial
>    license for this) you can interpolate the well data along the horizons of
>    the HorizonCube to create the velocity model.
> Good luck and best regards,
> Paul.
> --
> *Paul de Groot
> President
> dGB Earth Sciences, Nijverheidstraat 11-2, 7511 JM Enschede, The
> Netherlands.
> Tel. +31 53 43 15 155, Fax +31 53 43 15 104.
> paul.degroot at dgbes.com, www.dgbes.com, www.opendtect.org.
> *
> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Gery . <gamejihou at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I've read this post several times (
> http://lists.opendtect.org/pipermail/users/2011-July/000511.html) and
> played around with OD to do what I need but didn't find the way to do it.
> So please I would appreciate if someone has an easy way to do this with OD
> v4.3 or the current OD version.
> This is the problem: I have a 2D seismic line in TWT and well sonic
> information in us/ft. After drawing some 2D horizons, I want to convert
> them to depth in meters. If I were use the procedure explained in the post
> mentioned above, I would need to provide manually the velocity for every
> horizon. This probably would not be a pain because I have only 8 horizons.
> However, I would need first to pick manually the sonic velocity for every
> horizon depth (probably using the 2D log viewer or some awk/grep/tail/etc
> trick in the LAS file) and then convert it to m/s (using this website
> http://home.online.no/~helgnil/calc1_4e.html or using just the conversion
> factor in shell/excel/etc).
> So, I was wondering if it is possible to automagically assign to the
> desired horizon the corresponding well sonic velocity (in m/s) and then
> make the time-to-depth conversion, would it be possible?
> I would appreciate some ideas, I mean, to avoid doing this manually, thank
> you.
> Best regards,
> Gery
> __________________________________________________________________________________________
> Piensa en el medio ambiente - mantenlo en la pantalla. NO lo imprimas si
> NO es necesario.
> Think green - keep it on the screen. Do NOT print if it is NOT necessary.
> Denken Sie an die Umwelt - bewahren Sie es auf dem Bildschirm. Drucken
> Sie es NICHT, wenn es NICHT notwendig ist.
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