[OpendTect_Users] Madagascar Link error
Raman Singh
raman.singh at dgbes.com
Mon Apr 14 08:46:51 CEST 2014
Hi Chris,
When you run OpendTect or one of it batch programs from the Cygwin
console the file paths get messed up because OpendTect has been built as
a native Windows application and therefore uses file paths in
Windows-style whereas Cygwin prefers the Unix-style file paths. If I
want to get into the diagnostics mode I would run an OpendTect batch
program from the Windows command prompt. An even easier approach would
be to run OpendTect itself as a console application by directly running
bin\win64\Release\od_main_console.exe from the OpendTect installation
directory. Then if you have the environment variable DTECT_DEBUG set, a
lot of messages should appear in a Windows console.
Coming back to the Madagascar link in OpendTect, please check the following:
1. The environment variable RSFROOT should be set to the Madagascar
installation folder in Windows-style path. So, one should use
C:\progs\Madagascar\inst153 and NOT \cygdrive\c\progs\Madagascar\inst153.
2. The environment variable PATH should include the cygwin binary path
(typically C:\cygwin64\bin) for 64-bit installations.
In your previous email you mentioned the following issue:
> When I use the Madagascar Link, I have an error when I run sfattr using
> Command line sfattr lval=2 >"C:/Temp/stats.txt"
> I get an error message that says "Output data ID missing". I have set
> the output to "none".
OpendTect ignores the '<' and '>' redirection operators in Madagascar
command line and expects the input/output (if any) to be specified
through the Input/Output fields in the user interface. Since you are
trying to output to a disk file directly, you should use the output type
'Madagascar' and specify the output file name there. On the command line
use the program name and the other parameters only. In this particular
case, the command line should have only 'sfaatr lval=2'.
I hope this helps. If you still have issues/questions, please write back
to us.
Best regards,
On 04/12/2014 09:04 PM, Chris Irvine wrote:
> I managed to catch the error message in the Madagascar link when I run
> OpendTect from Windows 7 . I had to go into cygwin64 and cd over to
> the executable files in
> /cygdrive/c/Program Files/OpendTect/4.6.0/bin/win64/Release
> And then run
> Chris at IRVINE-HP /cygdrive/c/Program
> Files/OpendTect/4.6.0/bin/win64/Release
> $ ./od_madexec.exe C:/OpendTect_data/Belloy_PSTM_3D/Proc/Mad_Proc.par
> About to execute: @\usr/local/rsf\bin\sfdd form=native_float |
> sfenvelope order=100 ref=1. hilb=y phase=90. | \usr/local/rsf\bin\sfdd
> form=ascii_float |
> C:\PROGRA~1\OPENDT~1\46BDA4~1.0\bin\win64\Release\od_madexec
> C:\cygwin\tmp\od57201397316106.par
> '\usr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> This bombs off. It seems something is screwy with the Windows to
> Cygwin handoff. Please advise.
> Cheers
> --Chris Irvine
> Geophysical Consultant
> Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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- Raman K Singh
- Manager - Software Development
- dGB Earth Sciences
- 310, Gateway Plaza, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India
- Phone: +91 22 25704984 , Fax: +91 22 25704977, Mobile: +91 9833452542
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