[OpendTect_Users] Importing digitized seismic images.

Flocks, James jflocks at usgs.gov
Thu Jan 30 19:29:03 CET 2014


There are several image to segy converters: ImageToSegy, Tif2segy,
Image2segy. I have only used ImageToSegy successfully, but would be
interested to know how well the others work.

A more difficult way is to reduce the image to ascii grayscale pixel values
(e.g. using ImageJ, or Imagemagick), georeference each 'trace', and import
into OpendTect using the 2D seismic simple file format. You can import
fence diagrams this way as well.



On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Alex Antunes <alex at geologia.ufrn.br>wrote:

> Dear OD users,
> I wonder if there is a way to import digitized seismic images (as JPEG or
> TIFF files) into OpendTect so we can interpret them? If so, how to proceed?
> Best regards,
> Alex Antunes.
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