[OpendTect_Users] Output SEGY of chimney cube attribute

Hesham Refayee hesham.refayee at dgbes.com
Wed Apr 29 19:44:16 CEST 2015

Hi Justin,

Here is a workflow may work for you.

I believe at this stage you have the chimney attribute. You can write that
attribute into a disk with CVBS format by following these steps:
Processing> Create Seismic Output> attributes>single attribute >3D

A new window will pop up, select your input (chimney attribute). Name you
output and hit Ok. Keep the format as CBVS for now. Once the processing is
done, you should be able to see the new output listed in the seismic
manager (manage seismic icon).

Now, you can export the new CBVS file as seg-y :

Export window will pop up. Select your chimney cbvs file as an input,
output your new segy file and hit run.

The exported volume should be stored under your current survey.

Hope this will help.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 3:06 AM, Vermeulen, Justin <Justin.Vermeulen at omv.com
> wrote:

>  Hi,
> Does anyone know how to output sensible results in SEGY format of the
> chimney cube attribute ?
> I’ve already tried it several times (with differing formats) but the
> results are always non coherent when I look at the values in another
> viewing platform (for eg: PETREL)
> Kind regards
> Justin
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*Hesham Refayee*  *Geoscientist*  *______________________________*

  *dGB Earth Sciences*  Phone: +1 281 240 3939  E-mail:
hesham.refayee at dgbes.com  Internet: dgbes.com & opendtect.org
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