[OpendTect_Users] Announcing the External Attribute Plugin

Wayne Mogg wayne.mogg at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 12:58:47 CET 2015

I've just added a new plugin to my collection
<http://waynegm.github.io/OpendTect-Plugin-Wiki> of open source OpendTect
attributes called the External Attribute Plugin.

Instead of doing the attribute calculation within OpendTect this plugin
starts up a user specified external application and then reads and writes
the trace data to/from the external application's stdin/stdout. The source
and binary distributions of the plugin includes a reference implementation
for writing external attributes in Python/Numpy (version 3). This consists
of a module *extattrib.py* that handles the stdin/stdout details and
presents the trace data as a numpy array. Two examples using this module
are included in the plugin distribution. More examples can be found at
gist.github.com <https://gist.github.com/search?q=extattrib>.

Currently the external attributes are limited to single attribute input but
there is support for single and multi-trace input, multi-attribute output
and a rudimentary user interface mechanism for querying the user for
parameters. External attributes will naturally be slower than an equivalent
native C++ attribute. However, this is balanced by the potential for much
more rapid development in a high level language like Python/Numpy.

The plugin is available under both Linux and Windows for OpendTect v5. For
more details: External Attribute Online Help


   - Source <https://github.com/waynegm/OpendTect-5-plugins>
   - Windows x64 Binary
   - Linux x64 Binary

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