[OpendTect_Users] OpendTect Training at AAPG 2015

Payam Kavousi payam.kavousi at dgbes.com
Thu May 28 16:51:07 CEST 2015

OpendTect Users,

We are conducting a free of charge OpendTect introduction course in Denver
in conjunction with this year’s AAPG. The course aims at familiarizing you
with the software, picking horizons and faults, visualizing &
cross-plotting attributes, setting up surveys from scratch etc. The date of
the course is Sunday, May 31 (9am – 4pm). Please let me know if this is of
interest to you or if you have colleagues who might be interested in
attending. We also have a sign-up form on our website that you may use by
following this link.

Best Regards


*Payam Kavousi* *Geoscientist*
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