[Developers] Parallelization of computations

Kristofer Tingdahl kristofer.tingdahl at dgb-group.com
Thu Jan 3 17:29:54 CET 2008

Dear fellow developers,

over the last two years we have seen a new development in the 
cpu-development. Earlier, the focus was to increase calculation speed by 
increasing cpu-frequency, and multiple cpus were expensive and only 
available on high end machines. Today, however, most workstations and 
computation nodes has at least two cpu-cores, and within a year four our 
eight cores will be very common. This development urges software 
development to be able to utilize this computation power by computing on 
multiple cpus in parallel.

OpendTect has great support for parallelization of computations, and I 
will highlight parallelization of attributes in this e-mail.

Attribute calculations are very easy to adapt to parallel processing. 
All attributes inherits the class Attrib::Provider, which has the 
virtual functions:

bool allowParallelComputation() const
bool setNrThreads()
int minTaskSize()

If your algorithm is sample independent for each trace, that is that the 
order in which the samples on a trace are computed does not matter, you 
can turn on parallel computation by implementing 
allowParallelComputation() to return true. Examples of attributes that 
are sample independent are similarities, energies and so forth. Examples 
of attributes that are not sample independent are unwrapped phase, where 
the angle increases from the top of the trace.
The function setNrThreads is called on the object to notify it how many 
trace will be used. This is useful if you need to setup datastructures 
for each thread, e. g. you have an fft that cannot be shared between 
different threads. in computeData(), you will get a threadidx so you 
know which fft to use.
The function minTaskSize() is the smallest number of samples that will 
be computed in a single thread. If your trace is short, and the 
algorithm is fast, it may not be worth the effort to run it in a large 
number of parallel computations. Then you return a large number in 
minTaskSize. On the contrary, if the algorithm is slow, it may be worth 
the effort to divide the computation in many parts, even if each part 
only has a few samples to compute.

If you have any questions about this, or other OpendTect development 
issues, don't hesitate to contact dGB or (even better) send it to this list.

Best regards,

Kristofer Tingdahl

Dr. Kristofer Tingdahl
dGB Earth Sciences
1 Sugar Creek Center BLVD #935; Sugar Land, TX 77478; USA
+1 281 652 5318

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